WRS Performance
The effect of investment returns on the benefits of Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) participants is determined by the Department of Employee Trust Funds and is based on the rate of return as of December 31. Once performance numbers are final, SWIB posts calendar year-to-date returns. Posting usually takes about four weeks because privately traded investments such as business loans, real estate and private equity are not available until four weeks after the close of the month.
Comparing performance to a benchmark is one common measurement. SWIB seeks to exceed benchmarks for the Core and Variable Funds set by Trustees with the help of an outside consultant.
Milwaukee, Wis.
WRS Investment Performance*
Calendar year-to-date (YTD) as of December 31, 2024. Calendar year-to-date and 5-year performance is net of all fees and costs. Ten-year performance is net of external manager fees.
*Returns and benchmarks are subject to final valuation and adjustments that may occur during the calendar year.
Value of WRS Assets Under Management
Year-to-Date as of December 31, 2024.
Annual Returns, Rates, and Adjustments
WRS investment performance directly affects WRS benefits. Click here to see annual returns, rates, and adjustments since 1986.